Upcoming PARAGON Remake planned for a PS4 Release

What is CORE you ask?

Before Fortnite's explosive success sent it to the grave, Epic Games had plans to jump onto the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) scene with it's revolutionary third-person, action-MOBA Paragon.

Sadly, the project was scrapped mainly due to the success of Fortnite and a development team that couldn't quite maintain their vision. The constant changes to the core of Paragon, whether for better or worse, created frustration and doubt in the game's community and caused many early adopters to lose their faith in Epic Game's ability to create a well-balanced, proper MOBA.

If you're looking for more information on CORE:

The big question loyal fans of Paragon looking for their next "fix" have been asking about Core, is if it will be released for the PlayStation 4 just as Paragon was. And that answer is YES. However, the Alpha testing will only take place on PC. So you're gonna need a decent rig if you want to test out Core before the Beta drops sometime down the line for PS4.

With the Core alpha releasing for PC April 27th, Metabuff released the roster of characters that will be playable during testing. (image below) 

Did they leave your favorite hero off the alpha roster like they did mine?? Drop a comment below and let us know!

SPARROW replaces REVENANT for alpha


  1. OMG! U forgott Howitzer, that's so wrong

  2. When will the Beta be avaliable for PS4?

  3. What's about WuKong and Aurora? :)

    1. Ain't nobody... Want wukong back! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  4. Any update on when ps4 will get the game and if it will be a free download?

  5. I dont know what tondo with my life without this game

  6. wheres my boy Grim.exe?

  7. Any news for Ps4 players? Any chance we'll have Feng Mao also?

    1. Predecessor, who's funded by Epic games will definitely have a console version. Overprime(the Korean remake) is also looking at a console release.

  8. I love this and I am so grateful to all the fans and supporters for keeping Paragon alive, Paragons name should never be forgotten and I feel it should be added to Cores title and call it Core of Paragon. I have waited so long it feels so that I could roam the wonderful lands of Agora and monolith and interact with all of the most awesome characters ever created. Thank you Metabuff team. I will do everything I can to support the Future of Core. ( Core of Paragon )

    1. Thanks for the comment! We're back! New blogs otw!

  9. iggy and scorch please... ahahaahhahahaahhaaha!

    1. The time is near my friend.. Predecessor just had it's alpha.

  10. Much love to you too brother. Thanks for the comment! Paragon makes its return soon!


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